Eastside Sk8 Center

Keeping King County skaters rolling!

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  • The feasibility study for the rink is organized as part of Skate Journeys, a 501 (c)3 non-profit educational and charitable organization. Skate Journeys has a special dedicated fund set up for feasibility expenses. To donate online, please go to the Skate Journeys Donation page, and send an email to info@NewEastsideRink.org so that we know to apply your donations to this special fund.


  • We're looking for people with skills in business planning, architecture, commercial real-estate, and social media to join the feasibility committee. Send an email to info@NewEastsiderRink.org.

  • Once we get further into the project, we'll be looking for more volunteers. If you have energy to contribute to developing a new rink, please let us know!